Senin, 12 Agustus 2019

Expressions of Appreciation

Assalamualaikum wr. wb.
Hay friend!!!
how are you all???i hope you always stay healthy. here we will learn about expressions of appreciation.immediately we begin explorers.

   Expressions of Appreciation is an expression of gratitude that appears when we have been given assistance and or we are given appreciation by others.Examples is we are helped when we are in trouble so we express our gratitude to those who have helped english it is not just an expression of thanks but there are many other expressions. .let's see examples of appreciation and response in english below.

2. Examples 
   A. Thanks / Thank you
   B. Thank you for calling
   C. Thank you for helping me
   D. It was very nice of you to help me
   E. How cam I ever thank yaou? I can't thank yaou enough
   F.. I really appreciate what you've done for my familli
   G. Can I show my appreciation by buying you some of the junk foods?
   H. That was very kind of you.

3. Respons
   - It's OK
   -never mind
   -I'm glad that I can help you
   - not problem
   - thank's all right
   -very fun
   -You understand
   -Any time
   - you're welcome
   - thank you very much

4. Examples dialogue from book
   #Dayu: "Open it, There's semething in it."
     Lina  : "Dayu,thanks for the purse. I like it."
   #Lina :" Edo,this cup is really beautiful. Thanks."
     Edo   :" I'm happy you like it. Remember,never put hot water ini it,ok."

5. Examples dialogue comic homemade


if you are unclear you can see the video below.i made it with amelia maratus S.

Ok friend until here tomorrow we will continue with other material. Greetings happy greetings alfia.Thank you dear =D

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